Nuria Castaño Gutiérrez 2.JPG

C/Arenal, 1, 3º B
28013 Madrid
(+34) 630 356727 (Spain)
(+39) 338 3165613 (Italy)
1-917-293-8853 (US)

Nuria Castaño Gutiérrez studied piano and singing and got a Law Degree at Vigo University. However  her profesional activity has been focused to acting. She graduated from León Dramatic Art School and she has studied with teachers as Kike Fernández, Jaroslav Bielski, Alfonso Romera, Esperanza Abad, Isabel Úbeda Puccini (Odin Teatret), Fernando Urdiales, Margarete Assmuth, Marcello Magni (Peter Brook company), Louis Colaianni, Antonio Fava, Nina d’Abbracci, Merry Conway, Richard Armstrong and Andrea Haring in international well known Centers as Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica Silvio d’Amico de Roma,  International Acting School Rome,  Scuola Internazionale Circo a Vapore de Roma,  Weisser Rausch Music & Theatre in Munich and Hamburg,  Corazza Studio for Acting in Madrid, Columbia University or Linklater Center for Voice and Language in New York, where in 2007, from the proper Kristin Linklater she obtained her certificate as a Linklater teacher.

She has worked as actress, director and acting coach, specialized in voice (education). Granted and awarded multiple times for research in this field, outstanding her work in The Spanish Royal Academy of Art in Rome where she developed her project "The body of voice".

She has worked in Spain, Italy, Germany, México and USA. She teaches Seminars in acting and voice education in schools, cultural centers, Development programs for teachers, Universities, Superior Dramatic Art Schools and acting companies.

Nowadays she teaches Vocal Tecnique in the Music, Dance and Dramatic Art School in León, she is Voice teacher and member of the Pedagogical Department in Corazza Studio in Madrid. She is a Founding Member of the Kristin Linklater Voice Center in Scotland. She teaches in the International Programs of ACT acting formation in Calabria, Tuscania Summer Program and Stromboli Project, all three in Italy.

At this moment, as an actress, she has two shows on stage, "Dos ausencias" and "Los talentos perdidos de la República".

She has just finished her studies as therapist in Bioenergetic Analysis in IMAB-IIBA.